Tuesday, January 23, 2018

Design Thinking in Consulting Paradigm

Lets' get on to the designing thinking hat and see how the consulting world relates to the aspect and evolve around the idealization of Design thinking.

Consulting world revolves around the fact that we need to solve the problem in our plate  of customer or industry we are dealing with. The final goal or idealization has to be a reality. SO here a high level overview of the various phases in consulting process co-relating with the design thinking world.

Thursday, October 31, 2013

Purchasing Set Ups


  1. What are your pay group lookup codes?
  2. What are your FOB lookup codes?
  3. What are your Purchasing line types?
  4. Set the Profile MO: Default Operating Unit as Blank for Setup User (Before Defining Purchasing Options)
  5. Define Purchasing system options
  6. Update your Purchasing document types
  7. Define Standard Purchase Order Document Styles
  8. What are your Purchasing Quality Inspection codes?
  9. Define Purchasing transaction reasons
  10. Set the Profile MO: Default Operating Unit as Blank for Setup User (Before Creating Requisition Templates)
  11. What are your requisition templates?
  12. Assign line items to your requisition templates
  13. Who are your approved suppliers?
  14. Do you want to add suppliers to your approved supplier lists?
  15. Who are the buyers in your organization?
  16. Define the profile option for Pricing Transaction entry
  17. What is the line type to be used for contractor requests?
  18. Concurrent Request: Submit Purchasing Workflow Background Processes
  19. Profile Options for Purchasing.
  20. Set the Profile MO: Default Operating Unit as Blank for Setupuser (Before Defining Purchasing Approval Groups)
  21. In which organization will you be setting up your approval groups?
  22. Set the profile option 'Utilities Diagnostics' to 'Yes' to disable the password prompt.
  23. Set the profile option 'Utilities Diagnostics' to 'No' to enable the password prompt.
  24. Setup your purchasing approval groups
  25. Assign Purchasing approval groups to HR jobs
  26. Define position hierarchies to be used in the purchasing
  27. How would you like to arrange positions in hierarchy?
  28. Submit request for Filling Employee Hierarchy.
  29. Assign Purchasing approval groups to HR Position.
  30. Define Purchasing Cost Factor
  31. Set PO: Allow Referencing CPA Under Amendment profile variable at Organization or Site Level.
  32. Open Purchasing Accounting Periods
  33. Update your Internal Requisition Purchasing document type

Advanced Pricing for Purchasing Set ups:

  1. Set Source System Code to Oracle Purchasing for SETUPUSER
  2. Set Pricing Transaction Entity to Procurement for SETUPUSER
  3. Setup Advanced Pricing Profile Options at Application Level for Purchasing
  4. Define Price Lists For Purchasing
  5. What are the items to be assigned to your Purchasing Price Lists?
  6. Assign items with price break to the Purchasing Price list.
  7. Update Purchasing price lists with Conversion criteria
  8. What are the Freight based Pricing Modifiers for Purchasing?
  9. What are the criteria to apply Freight based Modifiers for Purchasing?
  10. Run Build Attribute Mapping Rule for Purchasing
  11. What are the Freight based Pricing Modifiers Lines for Purchasing?
  12. Identify the Criteria to Apply Freight based Modifier Lines for Purchasing.
  13. Run Concurrent Request - QP: Build Attribute Mapping Rules for Purchasing
  14. Reset Source System Code to Oracle Pricing for SETUPUSER
  15. Reset Pricing Transaction Entity for SETUPUSER

Landed Cost Management Set ups:

  1. Enable Inventory Organization for Landed Cost Management
  2. Update Inventory Organization Receiving Parameters with LCM Accounts
  3. Define Landed Cost Management Options
  4. Define LCM Shipment Line Types
  5. Define LCM Shipment Types
  6. Associate LCM Shipment Line Types to LCM Shipment Type
  7. Associate Party Types Allowed to LCM Shipment Type
  8. Associate Party Types Usage to LCM Shipment Type
  9. Associate Source Types Allowed to LCM Shipment Type
  10. Setup Advanced Pricing Profile Options at Application Level for LCM
  11. Set LCM UOM Classes profile variable at Site Level
  12. Setup Landed Cost Management Profile Options at Responsibility Level for LCM and Purchasing

iProcurement Set Ups:

  1. What are the line types to be used for non catalog requests?
  2. What are your iProcurement catalogs?
  3. Create stores to organize your catalogs
  4. Assign catalogs to your stores
  5. What are your iProcurement shopping categories?
  6. Map shopping categories to categories in your central procurement system
  7. What are the top-level categories that requesters can browse when looking for items?
  8. Assign shopping categories to your top-level categories

Sourcing Set Ups:

  1. Set up your Reusable Supplier Invitation Lists
  2. Add additional suppliers to your Reusable Supplier Invitation List
  3. Define reusable attribute lists that you can associate with your RFQ's
  4. Add attributes to your attribute list
  5. Enter acceptable response values for the attributes
  6. Define your RFQ templates
  7. Sourcing Post Setup Steps

iSupplier Portal Set Ups:

  1. Setup iSupplier Portal profile options
  2. Setup Manual iSupplier Portal profile options